作品を購入いただいたお客様へ To those who bought the work 给那些买了工作的顾客








*ぜひ、長くご愛用いただきますように願っております。   竹内

To those who bought the work

Thank you for buying Akemi Takeuchi's work this time.I will explain a bit about handling.

This work is craft glass. Since it is not heat resistant, it may crack when hot hot water is put in it.

It can not be used in a microwave oven, dishwasher.

There is unevenness on the surface of the glass. If the surface is dirty, please polish with a toothbrush etc. Surface bubbles and fine holes can be made in the production process and are not defective. It is the characteristic of this glass that there are fine bubbles in the glass.

I hope that you will use it for a long time.   Akemi Takeuchi



工作是工艺玻璃。 由于它不耐热,所以当放入热水时可能会破裂。


玻璃表面有不平整的地方。 如果表面很脏,请用牙刷等擦亮。

